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  • Writer's pictureMason

Do you have a kitchen drawer that you have to pull out just right to make sure it doesn't fall apart? Or have you had the same kitchen since before your kids were born, who are now at college? There are many reasons why might be looking into a kitchen remodel, and this article will help you decide if a remodel is right for you and how to budget for it.

First, What is Kitchen Remodeling?

The words remodel and renovation are often used for any kind of kitchen work, but they actually mean different things. lf you're talking to professionals in the industry you'll want to get it right, to ensure everyone is on the same page. Remodel refers to creating something new or altering the structure of something. Renovation is a restoration, where you give something new life. For example, if you plan to rip out your kitchen cabinets and get an all new kitchen put in, this would be a remodel. lf you just planned to paint your cabinets and install new handles, this would be a renovation.

Now that we're all on the same page, let's get into 5 benefits of remodeling your kitchen:

  1. More Space (or Better Use of Space) - a primary benefit of remodeling your kitchen is you have a chance to expand your kitchen, make changes to the layout of your home, remove awkward counters, or simply improve the layout of your kitchen so it appears more spacious. We all dream of a large kitchen, but regardless of your kitchen's square footage a kitchen remodel will make better use of what you have.

  2. lncrease the Value of Your Home - when you look at realtor listings what is the first interior picture you're interested in seeing? Unless you're looking for a fixer-upper, the kitchen is one of the first pictures you'll look at. A great kitchen will always increase the value of your home because it is the heart of the home and because many people are reluctant to do a kitchen remodel right after moving in.

  3. lmprove the Functionality - we all have those drawers and cupboards that we struggle to make proper use of because it's in the wrong place or is too big or small, and we wonder what the person who put in the kitchen was thinking (even if it was us!). A kitchen remodel allows you to design a kitchen that suits you and your family much better than the one you currently have.

  4. Modernize - kitchens, like everything else in interior design and fashion, come in and out of style, and technology develops fast. lf your kitchen is ten years old or older you may be dealing with something that no longer fills you with joy to be in. lf you find yourself lusting after your neighbor's ultra-modern kitchen, it may be time for a remodel.

  5. lmprove Safety and Energy Efficiency - old kitchens may have been built to last, but they weren't always built with safety and energy efficiency in mind. A kitchen remodel is the perfect time to check the wiring, heating, gas supply, and upgrade appliances to new models that are energy efflcient. Not only will this make your home a safer place, but you'll also save on your electricity bill.

Now you know the benefits of remodeling your kitchen how should you actually go about budgeting for your kitchen remodel in Asheville, Chattanooga or surrounding areas? Follow the 5 steps below to get started:

Where to Find a Kitchen Remodeling company in Asheville or Chattanooga

Where should you go to find a kitchen remodeling company in Asheville or Chattanooga? Google is always a great first stop and then check on the reviews of anyone you find on Google and Facebook. If you have local Facebook groups ask for recommendations there and ask your neighbors and friends for anyone they can recommend. If you are in Western North Carolina, Upstate South Carolina, and Southeastern Tennessee, we (Mason Elliot Designs) are happy to speak to you about your kitchen remodeling plans and ensure you get the kitchen you are dreaming of.


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